MyStyle: A Personalized Generative Prior

Supplementary Material

Random walks in our personalized latent sub-space of generators tuned for Emilia Clarke, Joe Biden, and Oprah Winfrey.

  1. Synthesis: our results
  2. Inpainting: our results
  3. Super-resolution: our results
  4. Pose & smile editing: our results
  5. Synthesis: comparisons
  6. Inpainting: comparisons
  7. Super-resolution: comparisons
  8. Pose & smile editing: comparisons

Synthesis: our results

Images sampled from our personalized generator for each subject. Note how our method is able to robustly produce high-quality images that preserve the subject's identity.


Angela Merkel

Barack Obama

Dwayne Johnson

Emilia Clarke

Jeff Bezos

Joe Biden

Kamala Harris

Lady Gaga

Michelle Obama

Oprah Winfrey

Xi Jinping

Inpainting: our results

Results of applying the personalized prior to the task of image inpainting. Although key parts of the face are occluded, our method is able to recover the individual's true likeliness.

Barack Obama

Input Our result Input Our result

Dwayne Johnson

Input Our result Input Our result

Joe Biden

Input Our result Input Our result

Lady Gaga

Input Our result Input Our result

Xi Jinping

Input Our result Input Our result

Super-resolution: our results

Results of applying the personalized prior to the task of image super-resolution. Given an extremely low-resolution image (32 x 32) of a known individual, our method is able to generate a high-resolution image (1024 x 1024) that best fits the input while preserving their personal identity.

Note that our method is not designed to recover the non-face areas. Hence, as a post-processing step, the raw model output is segmented into face and non-face regions, and the non-face region is replaced by a Lanczos-upsampled version of the input. That's why the background may look "blocky" in some results. See the paper for more details.


Input Our result Input Our result

Angela Merkel

Input Our result Input Our result

Barack Obama

Input Our result Input Our result

Dwayne Johnson

Input Our result Input Our result

Emilia Clarke

Input Our result Input Our result

Jeff Bezos

Input Our result Input Our result

Joe Biden

Input Our result Input Our result

Kamala Harris

Input Our result Input Our result

Lady Gaga

Input Our result Input Our result

Michelle Obama

Input Our result Input Our result

Oprah Winfrey

Input Our result Input Our result

Taylor Swift

Input Our result Input Our result

Xi Jinping

Input Our result Input Our result

Pose & smile editing: our results

Our personalized prior can also be applied to the semantic editing of portrait images. Here, we show two examples: editing the subject's pose (rotating left/right), and their smile (less/more smile). As shown below, each individual's identity is perserved throughout the editing range.


Editing pose

Rotating left Original input Rotating right GIF animation

Editing smile

Less smile Original input More smile GIF animation

Angela Merkel

Editing pose

Rotating left Original input Rotating right GIF animation

Editing smile

Less smile Original input More smile GIF animation

Barack Obama

Editing pose

Rotating left Original input Rotating right GIF animation

Editing smile

Less smile Original input More smile GIF animation

Dwayne Johnson

Editing pose

Rotating left Original input Rotating right GIF animation

Editing smile

Less smile Original input More smile GIF animation

Jeff Bezos

Editing pose

Rotating left Original input Rotating right GIF animation

Editing smile

Less smile Original input More smile GIF animation

Joe Biden

Editing pose

Rotating left Original input Rotating right GIF animation

Editing smile

Less smile Original input More smile GIF animation

Kamala Harris

Editing pose

Rotating left Original input Rotating right GIF animation

Editing smile

Less smile Original input More smile GIF animation

Lady Gaga

Editing pose

Rotating left Original input Rotating right GIF animation

Editing smile

Less smile Original input More smile GIF animation

Michelle Obama

Editing pose

Rotating left Original input Rotating right GIF animation

Editing smile

Less smile Original input More smile GIF animation

Taylor Swift

Editing pose

Rotating left Original input Rotating right GIF animation

Editing smile

Less smile Original input More smile GIF animation

Xi Jinping

Editing pose

Rotating left Original input Rotating right GIF animation

Editing smile

Less smile Original input More smile GIF animation

Synthesis: comparisons

We compare our synthesis results with state-of-the-art methods (see paper for details). Our method consistently produces results that are more natural-looking and identity-preserving.



Ojha et al.


Joe Biden


Ojha et al.


Kamala Harris


Ojha et al.


Inpainting: comparisons

While other generative inpainting methods also produce high image quality, they don't preserve the individual's identity as well as ours, even after fine-tuning on this individual's dataset.

Barack Obama

Input co-mod-GAN co-mod-GAN, fine-tuned DiffAugment Ours

Lady Gaga

Input co-mod-GAN co-mod-GAN, fine-tuned DiffAugment Ours

Xi Jinping

Input co-mod-GAN co-mod-GAN, fine-tuned DiffAugment Ours

Super-resolution: comparisons

This section compares our personalized prior against state-of-the-art methods on the application of image super-resolution. The input image is 16 x 16 pixels. The output image is 512 x 512 for GPEN (16x magnification), and 1024 x 1024 for DiffAugment and our method (32x magnification). Since GPEN is a generic model without personalization, we also tried to fine-tune the model using the same personal dataset for each individual until the LPIPS loss converges. However, our method still outperforms the rest in terms of image quality (lack of artifacts) and identity preservation.

Note that none of the methods is designed to recover the non-face areas. We applied the same post-processing to our results (see above), but not to the other methods, since the face detector and segmenter don't always work reliably on their outputs due to low quality.

Emilia Clarke

Input GPEN GPEN, fine-tuned DiffAugment Ours

Kamala Harris

Input GPEN GPEN, fine-tuned DiffAugment Ours

Michelle Obama

Input GPEN GPEN, fine-tuned DiffAugment Ours

Xi Jinping

Input GPEN GPEN, fine-tuned DiffAugment Ours

Pose & smile editing: comparisons

Comparing with other semantic editing methods, the personalized prior significantly improves identity preservation, especially when the "edit distance" is large. Below, we show one static example and one GIF animation for each editing method.

Barack Obama

Editing pose

Input PTI PTI, DiffAugment Ours

Editing smile

Input PTI PTI, DiffAugment Ours

Joe Biden

Editing pose

Input PTI PTI, DiffAugment Ours

Editing smile

Input PTI PTI, DiffAugment Ours

Michelle Obama

Editing pose

Input PTI PTI, DiffAugment Ours

Editing smile

Input PTI PTI, DiffAugment Ours